Few movies can champion honest and traditional values and inspire viewers to achieve greater heights better than 1984's The Karate Kid, and that the remake retains that same foundational core drives it to great success and alone makes the picture a worthwhile endeavor. If nothing else, introducing a new generation of moviegoers to the ideals heretofore listed seems worth the picture's weight in gold. Considering, then, that the remake does nothing new with the material, the question that begs answering is, 'why bother?' The obvious - and invariably correct - answer is business, but there's more to love about The Karate Kid's remake that doesn't show up on Sony's year-end profit sheet. That's not to dismiss the remake's exceptionally strong performances, honest direction, gorgeous visuals, and quality score, but analyzing and comparing the two pictures inevitably yields the conclusion that it is indeed the intangibles rather than the cosmetics that separate the merely good movies from the great ones, and both takes on The Karate Kid are nothing less than great. Strong acting, pinpoint editing, gorgeous cinematography, steady direction, and award-caliber acting are no doubt all integral elements to any quality movie, but both versions of The Karate Kid prove that it's what's below surface - those elements that get to the very heart of a story and truly define it well beyond its basic on-screen attributes and general veneer - that elevates a picture to heights well beyond where mere spit-and-polish can take it.
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The fact that both pictures are nothing less than rousing successes of the triumph of the human spirit speaks volumes as to what truly makes a movie great. The remake captures those very same ideals through a story that only differs from its predecessor at the most rudimentary of levels.

1984's picture has earned its place in the annals of cinema as a bona-fide classic that speaks to the very hearts of young men and women who, through the picture, learn the importance of personal honor, sacrifice, responsibility, commitment, and friendship.

Can Dre learn not only the moves he needs to beat the bully but also the life skills he needs to save, reshape, and define the entirety of his existence both now and in the years ahead? With stories that are almost mirror images of one another and differentiated only by several obviously superficial differences that are easy to spot, about the only thing that separates the original The Karate Kid from the remake is pure nostalgia. Han and Dre quickly form a bond, and when Dre convinces his new friend to witness the bastardization of Kung Fu being taught by Master Li (Yu Rongguang) - Cheng's instructor - Han takes Dre under his wing and teaches him the finer points of martial arts so the boy may adequately defend himself, restore his honor, and get the bullies off his back by competing in a local Kung Fu tournament. Though it may have new faces in new places, 2010's The Karate Kid is still, well, The Karate Kid it's an almost straight remake from start to finish with, yes, some added pizzazz but also built around the same core as the original, a core that defined 1984's picture well beyond the look of the characters or the backdrop against which the action played out. For fans of the original, it seemed like another eyeball-rolling lame-o attempt to cash in on an updated Hip-Hop version of a beloved classic. No Pat Morita, no Daniel-san, no Cobra Kai, the movie takes place in China instead of the United States, and Jackie Chan's take on Mr. Enter 2010's remake, a picture directed by the same guy behind the abysmal. 1984's The Karate Kid is a picture with universal appeal and strong messages on the importance of self-reliance, discipline, integrity, honor, perseverance, and the bonds of friendship, all weaved into a wonderfully-told story and supported by some top-notch acting, including an out-of-nowhere Best Supporting Actor Oscar nomination for the late Pat Morita.